
Sometimes we connect in the dark and other times in the light.  These poems usually touch on both.

If any of these speak to you, please comment below.  I’d love to hear from you.

Note:  These can be outlets for emotions and some of the subject matter may be triggering.

Through eyes that see

Through your eyes I see a world so green
You fill me with hope and peace that has yet to be seen
Innocence so young
In a world so full
What is untold
Can be ridged and bold

It’s not about what is unsaid
But what is shared between two souls


My story my own
But it bleeds into my own
We hurt we pray
We laugh we play



As our story unfolds, Truths be told
We are connected

Now not as YOUNG
Not quite so OLD

Live in Peace, comfort your heart my friend
For now we write our chapters of Growth
So strong with waves up and down


A Story is Told

-Naomi Fong


The graves are deep
Or so they seemed
Knife like wounds to one’s eye
One’s soul

We never spoke of those things we’d seen
…My heart skips a beat
Now a thousand times a minute 
Silenced I am

Through word and thought
…I cut like a knife
Silenced I am not

Ripe with Fruits of her labour
She shines
She shines bright

-Naomi Fong

Search and Rescue

Do not be afraid
I am here
In your hour of darkness
It all leads up to this moment
I am here

The moment passes
I fall back into the shadows
Should I be afraid?
It settles in…or does it?

Do not be afraid?
Who is here?

In my hour of darkness
It all leads up to this moment
Blood, sweat, tears
I thought I had no fears

Time has passed
I’ve learned to look within
A man so strong
A man I’ve ALWAYS been.

Vulnerable now I’ve learned to be
So that others may live
Others may see.

-Naomi Fong

Determined to Fight

The battle is within sight

As comrades unite

-Naomi Fong 

Sun and Moon

Sun and Moon
Guided by light
Break through the clouds
A new day begins
Love and faith

My heart mending
Scars that will stand the test of time
I bleed
I emanate

I see you
You see me

Take time to see
Imperfect an flawed
Passionate and focused
Determined to bounce back

Reflections are strong
Sometimes more than we can see
The Inner divine
My soul Reaches
For the acceptance of me

-Naomi Fong

2 thoughts on “Poetry”

  1. Darroch W. Thomas

    “Search and Rescue”. What a lovely piece of literature speaking to a man’s emotions and vulnerabilities. Lovely insight on a males feelings….

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